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Just an old man

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Everything posted by Just an old man

  1. I like how I got more posts than most staff members...(start spamming)
  2. from sahara desert to Antarctica in 1 day #onlynzweather
  3. *zap* revived
  4. it will cause alot of people roleplay
  5. I'm sick.
  6. Daym dat swag
  7. such fun much funny many laugh wow
  8. Christmas with my family = Talking to raven asking for girl advice and listening to wardemir rage cause he can't work a computer.
  9. So dubstep?
  10. So dayz standalone.
  11. He's a faggot that's all
  12. Huehuehue
  13. Did you know that monkeys are cheeki
  14. minecraftedu
  15. Boiiiii why so thirsty?
  16. U hungry bro.
  17. raven can't see pic.
  18. Where is the rape in the family?
  19. No sloth plz I don't want rape
  20. rape sloth
  21. your drunk again Gheara
  22. google translate said we do cloth.
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