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Posts posted by Kriptana

  1. In-Game Name: Kriptana
    Package Name: Premium+
    Server: Infinity Evolved 1.7.10 (expert)
    Proof of Ownership (Optional):
    ( just returned after a long long long break :v )
    This is from my last transfer a few years back, if i need the receipt or something else please let me know and i will dig in my email graveyard 💀


  2. It's caused from the server side, i reinstalled the modpack from craftersalnd, and official curse forge, both of them run in singleplayer but on the server, as soon as you place any cable or network piece you get sent back to menu, and the server restart.
    I think the server fail to establish/create channel connections in Applied Energistics...
    The update must be reinstalled, or the server has to be rolled back to the previous version.

    SimpleChannelHandlerWrapper exception java.lang.NullPointerException

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