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Everything posted by safaf32fwef

  1. Are you a brony or something?
  2. http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/024/5/8/pikawalk_by_misterdavey-d5sj3u5.swf XD
  3. School's over! (for me) HECK YEAH!!!!!
  4. :3
  5. 80085
  6. Do NOT click on my signature, I'm serious!
  7. Once I drunk some energy drink, NEVER DO IT AGAIN!
  8. Your signature is most inspirational s**t I saw in the last week....
  9. Well, everything is dying because nobody post new awesome stuffs.Maybe I will try to "practice medicine" with this forum later.
  10. DAT face...... instant epicness
  11. The most motivational sentence for Digital_gold: Be precious!
  12. But he doesn't change the variable,the else is useles because (antonio > pikaciu) or (20>2), the condition will always be true; there is no else unless he changes the variables before if.
  13. "Else" is pointless if you don't change the variables. I like turtles!
  14. Well, since humans are so dumb, I guess we will self destruct after all. Stupidity can be dangerous
  15. Do you want something random? rand();
  16. So you do not have a post here yet huh? No problem. I'll give you enough There's a recent video with an awesome animation and a really catchy song[b*tch please!]
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