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  1. i'm thinking about Pizza with Mushroom, an extra cheese plus macaroni, using Chicken and Beef Meat, and it's XL Size (Fat-People size)
  2. "The longer you stay talking, the more problem will be caused" - Unknown

  3. "You can't always tell people what to do, but you can always help people to do" -Alfred Hitchkock

  4. Same here, uh you mean vacation right ?, my vacation ends at 4th January ... anyway, let's move to other random topic, there's a new game called Contagion, see through Steam.
  5. " Too many people waste money they did not earn, to buy things they don't want, to impress someone they don't like." -WIll Smith

  6. okay, i won't ... how about Chuck Norris ?
  7. oh well, move to next topic, how about, Justin Beiber ? xD
  8. heheheheheheheheheh, #Nuked Sloth's Empire >>) Muahahahahaa !
  9. "Things can be better, but there's always someone hated it" -Unknown

  10. "Things can be better, buy there's always someone hated it" -Unknown

  11. haha, we all know sloths is the laziest animal in the whole world, and it's easy to kill them instantly without we knowing it, just hit him/her with a car
  12. what's with sloth anyway, they're just an animal, nothing more and nothing less
  13. just doing what i can

  14. Oh, how about, if you saw a griefer in tekkit was griefing using quarry, will you wait ti'll he get's home and troll him hardcore about hours ti'll he logged off then ban him, or ban him straightly ? for me i'll troll him first, because i want him to suffer like what have he's done to someone's place.
  15. Hello, let's talk about other thoughts, for me, i was thinking, if most of teenage or kids was sneaking to get his/her dad's credit card to buy something (eg. Minecon Server Edition Ticket) very expensive, din't his/her dad tracked down on who use his credit card ??
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