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  1. I found it out, was confused by the version numbers. Now a mod causes a crash. I think i screw it, thanks
  2. Hello together, I'd like to play SB2 and download the recommended version on twitch. When i log in the servers says i have the wrong version. There are some alternative versions on Twitch, but i don't know which i have to take. Can anyone help?
  3. Hey...!? Why is noone caring? A short answer will do, I didn't do anything...
  4. bump....^^
  5. Your Name: HadrachItem Name + Amount: 2x Chunk LoaderCoordinates (format x, y, z): 363 62 1062Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: 363 62 1062Description of Issue: They were placed at the coords an vanished. They didn't explode or so, because there's no crater, they simply vanished. I'd only like to have the money back, I bought a new one.
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