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Posts posted by jbosh123

  1. Your Name: STATICN0IS3
    Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (day/month/year): 02/03/2023

    Description of Issue: I've died twice in my claim from mobs. And my items disappeared each time I would return back to where I died to collect the items. To ensure nothing is duplicated, you can even reset my claimed chunk.

    Screenshots (Optional):


  2. In-game Name: jbosh123
    Rank: Premium+
    Current Server: Tekkit - tekkit.craftersland.net:25567
    New Server: Infinity Evolved - inf.craftersland.net
    Proof of Ownership (Optional): 

    I would have a screenshot however every time I have joined the Tekkit server today, my entire client crashes while spawning.
    Special perms*: N/A

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