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Posts posted by DevilsRedemption

  1. In-game Name:  DevilsRedemption to Kut_Clown
    Rank:  SF Premium+
    Current Server: Skyfactory 3.
    Proof of Ownership (Optional): 

    http://prntscr.com/q001yb <-- today :)

    Special perms*: .

    I need a rank transfer because of the ownership of devilsredemption, when my sis had a retarded boyfriend i got this for my birthday XD
    Now out of nowhere mojang changed the email adress back to his email, and i cant change it back anymore.
    I want to transfer this rank from DevilsRedemption to Kut_Clown ( kut_clown is my own new bought account ).

    so this wont happen again anymore :)
    A lot of love DevilsRedemption / Kut_Clown / Tim.

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