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Everything posted by FiddIes

  1. Hello, there is a significant issue regarding two of the Twilight Forest bosses. Upon the two being found, they will instantly despawn; akaElite and I have tested in various dimensions to see if it holds true for both of them spawning. These bosses are the Hydra and the Ur-Ghast. As the two bosses are imperative for the progression system that Twilight Forest uses; without them, it makes progression for the common player in the mod nearly impossible. With that said, I believe it may have to do with a server issue rather than the mod itself; as other boss spawns like Twilight Liches, Snow Queens, Minoshrooms, etc. spawn normally while these two entities do not. Either way, I hope this issue gets resolved--perhaps thinking to remove the progression system entirely in the configs or have the items purchasable / the trophies and drops as rewards, or ultimately for the experience of the dimension that we'll be able to fight the bosses. [EDIT 1 - Other discoveries] - Breaking a twilight forest trophy during server lag will cause it to disappear and not drop as if the block became invisible. Right clicking it will reappear but will default the trophy to a Naga Trophy. Also, upon defeat of Phantom Knight bosses, there is supposed to be a reward chest in the center of the room, but it is invisible until right clicked where it normally is. Fortunately the rewards are still there, chest and all. Thanks for reading my concerns, FiddIes (also in-game name).
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