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  1. Issue has been fixed, thanks for your support. Have a good day.
  2. Hey, When i tried to enter server, server always down and restarting. Before that loop i was using "Building gadget". I think something went wrong. Mod:Oceanblock Nickname: SelekoviaN Thanks in advance
  3. Problem still continue
  4. Last day, i lost 2 Industrial Apiaries and 2 Temporal Queen and Many Drones.. Apiaries turned to Obsidians. Today, my other Temporal bees, aren't working. They don't speed up anything. They have 4 Territory Upgrade but isn't work. Are they restricted? And Assasin Princess don't work too. I place them in Bee-Bee Gun. They don't process speed down normal apiaries
  5. Umm it worked for me ?
  6. Did you open explode command in your claim ?
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