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Posts posted by Smug_Anime_Face

  1. Can't remember what I did. Was told by MULTIPLE staff on the discord that I could buy an unban regardless. I have a donor rank on the IE server and honestly that's the one I care more about, I'm even willing to *pay more than I should have* to get an unban from just the IE server. 

    I won't do it again, I just did something stupid on another server I didn't really play that much thinking it would have no impact on me playing on the IE server.

    Please unban me, or just refund me. Or this is going in the chargeback report. Because not once was I told on the store page or by staff (I was actually told the opposite) that I couldn't buy an unban. I know you guys pay extra on chargebacks so I don't want to do it at all but if you guys are going to literally scam me I don't see why I shouldn't. 


    P.S. This is still my first ban ever and I have a record of good behaviour on IE, I really don't care half as much about Tekkit honestly, that would just be a bonus.

    *edit: I already paid more, not im willing to throw more money than the 10 euros I put down.

  2. Upon reading more about the network it would appear that network servers isn't actually the network? And is instead vanilla Minecraft. Also the price of the unban is quite a bit higher than if I were to be unbanned from an individual server.

    Can I either:

    • un-community banned
    • unbanned from Tekkit and Infinity Evolved
    • or unbanned from Infinity Evolved and partially refunded

    Sorry for the f**k up. Both in getting the wrong thing, and in the ban itself.

  3. Hello there,

    so back in February I was community banned. Since I play on both the Tekkit and Infinity Evolved server I bought the network unban (first time I have been banned by the way and I have played for years). I went to log in to the server 20 minutes later, yep still permanently banned. I don't feel like I need to further any more on this post except by saying I don't have much time and bought this thinking it would be quicker than an appeal and I don't mind supporting the server. 


    [IMPORTANT] I changed my IGN to: Smuggy_

  4. Hey!


    the gcapi (assuming this is your API. gc = gravity cube) you posted either expired or you removed it :(. You got that posted anywhere else? I remember using it a while ago and came here to see if I could find it again.


    You had a function that was able to images with a http call then cast them on glasses or a monitor. Wish I actually looked at the API and learned how to do it. 

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