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Posts posted by ___________Bluey

  1. I've seen many players talking about ATM6 needing a wipe, and thus i thought it might be a great idea to try and upgrade to ATM8. Hopefully this will reel in all the new players that want to try and join a modded server for the first time, or after a while from having a break (such as myself) and having the mod in more recent review/"best of" videos, it would be wise.

    But this is only a suggestion based on what i've seen/read.

    Thank you for your consideration and time.


  2. Package:  Premium+
    Current Server:  Tekkit
    New Server: Tekkit2
    Proof of Ownership (Optional): I'll include proof of ownership in pictures aswell. But i used Paypal to pay for it

    If any other proof is required, please let me know.




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