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Everything posted by nico191bc

  1. Not a staff member but I have the same problem. Been a few days now with no rollback confirmation. Sucks when you store everything you have in it.
  2. Yeah that's the plan. When can I expect the rollback? Since the drive will just keep getting wiped unless I take it out.
  3. Your Name: nico191bcCoordiantes: (use format xyz: -2011 72 1968)Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) 07-10-2018 Approx 10:25 PDTDescription of Issue: My 16k disk drive is gone. I asked "Xbomb" about it, said it was a common issue. If this is a common issue could we get the recipe disabled, their is no point in making it if this is the end result. The mod is Refined Storage.
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