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  1. That would be perfect DragonLady! Thank you!!
  2. Your Name: Nightsole333Coordiantes: (x: -1400, z: 3828, y: 104)Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(8/10/2018): 12 noonDescription of Issue: I made a Refined Storage system with four 4k drives and they were filled with almost everything I had. The server went through a reset and when I logged back on the drives and all my stuff was gone. so the reset was at around 2 am central standard time US (my time) but all I had done that day when I logged on is build that system so anytime before I logged on should do. Thanks in advance for your help!! and per DragonLady's recommendation I will not be using that system again.Screenshots (Optional):
  3. Your Name: Nightsole333Item Name + Amount: I don't even know how to tell I had four 4k drives filled with all my stuff. Coordinates: x: -1400, z: 3828, y: 104Description of Issue: I made a Refined Storage system with four 4k drives and they were filled with almost everything I had. The server went through a reset and when I logged back on the drives and all my stuff was gone.Screenshots (Optional):
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