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Everything posted by Zek

  1. Well I'm here givin suggestion for the problem wich is instancing and it will secure server stability. Also I've just been in TF killin bosses when i was asked to gtfo of it so. Pre-generating might solve the initial lag issues but instancing will solve a lot more about TPS stability ( not only TF cuz other dimensions lag too ). It's harder but it will deffinetly pay of.
  2. After our beloved kaszanka said this to me - https://imgur.com/a/0zkablT . I'm suggesting you instance all mods similar to Twilight forest so it doesn't lag the whole server. Also I don't wanna harm anyone with the screenshot I'm just pointing out how some people deal with problems instead of suggesting things themselves or doing something to remove the problem. To tell someone to get out of TF ain't no solution. If you don't have anyone to instance this so the server won't be laggy I will do it even for free just so I won't get told to gtfo out of TF. Have a nice day
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