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Everything posted by DanTomaK

  1. Hello! My user is ItzDanTomaK before losing my items played with another account with the user DanTomaK I lost that account, I don't remember why, but everything I had was there and I would like to have items back I had 167285$ and the items are the ones shown in the image with an armor p3 Thanks and sorry for my bad english xd ItzDanTomaK
  2. DanTomaK

    Secret Room!

    Hello! I want to know if someone knows something of "Deivid" I want to resolve the Secret Room, but i cant, someone of the staff can help me? Thanks DanTomaK
  3. Hello I am the User DanTomaK When i was playing Assasins! with an OP diamond sword in my hand in the spawn, i accidentally pressed Q and the Item Dissapeared I dont know why this happened, but i Know that sword was very hard to get The same thing happened with an OP bow, I dropped it by accident but the entity was not deleted, but then a guy came and I grabbed him, I asked him to please return it, but he left the server to never return it, so i want a refund of my OP bow and my diamond sword, because this really seemed very unfair to me because now I cant defend myself... The Guy thats stole my arch was " Maty_Pro " The bow had: Infinity Unbreaking 3 Push 2 and Fire Arrows I dont remember the stats of the OP Diamond Sword, but please... Please do something! I have faith that something can help me recover those objects thank you for your attention and your time DanTomaK That image its my inventory, as you can see i dont have any of the swords, i buyied a stone sword, and a bow with bad stats Sorry for my bad english, i talk Spanish.
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