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  1. still waiting T_T
  2. bump https://imgur.com/a/3LfvHeA
  3. Your Name: CDPlayuur Claim Leaders Name: curiousfan7 Coordinates of claim (use format xyz: 1845 64 2374) : 657 72 808 to 662 72 814 Claim members: curiousfan7 Reason for request: ^ Person claimed near my base and it's preventing me from effectively expanding my claim so I would like it removed please. Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended): https://imgur.com/a/chrfE1k
  4. Rollback to 2:15gmt 04 aug 2022 some curse or idk but I have no hp and constantly taking damage and cant open inventories It started when i was spawning endermen but i think i forgot to turn on the lever to kill the mobs. All of them were moved via vector plates and crammed to the last atom. I accidentally stepped on one then merged with them. Afterwards, i wasnt able to do any damage then my hp went to 0. for reference on how many mobs there were, i kept getting this in my logs. https://imgur.com/a/gCQV3Fm
  5. if the items didnt despawn after just 30 seconds i wouldve recovered all of it...
  6. Your Name: CDPlayuur Coordiantes: -1100 69 -1990 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 4:25pm PHT 7/17/2022 Description of Issue: Was trying to dig a hole using a builder and accidentally holed my a part of my base. Screenshots (Optional):
  7. There's a lot of space above the spawn shop, and it sounds fun having a shop and stuff. But we already have /market listing and stuff so this is just an idea/random thought.
  8. I don't see why we can't add them though
  9. Hello I've only done bees once before wipe but ive never once encountered a deep hive. I remeber searching for it for hours in mountains and magical biomes but found none. Considering that most hives are for sale at spawn, including the marble hive that drops nothing, i think we should add the deep hive.
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