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Everything posted by Lou_Cyfer

  1. Your Name: Lou_CyferServer Name (ACv1, PureSurvival, etc.): PureSurvivalInventory Rollback or Claim Rollback: Inventory RollbackCoordiantes: -3610 114 -2793Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 09/14/2019, to the time I hope SuperSlimesKing knows a more precise time, I guess it was around 11:00pm GMT+1; the kill log might also help with the exact timeDescription of Issue: I got killed and robbed by FatihCelikel61 who was invisible and teleported with /back to me to do so, he is a griefer and harasses the whole session, SuperSlimesKing knows, KayWolf also knows FatihCelikel61 from other encounters with others and meScreenshots (Optional): none
  2. Name: Werner IGN: Lou_Cyfer Age: 38 Crafter's Land Servers you play: just started with Pure Survival, but in time I'll try everything and see what I enjoy most Location: Vienna / Austria (we don't have kangaroos ?) A short description of yourself: Cool as ice, chilled as beer Hobbies and interests: socialising, networking, reading, helping others, enjoying nature, gaming (GTA, RDR, Civ, MC; i play on PS4 and Mac) Discord Name: I--Lou-Cyfer--I [BROZ]#5932 I'm looking forward to great times on Crafter's Land! ??
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