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Posts posted by shmit

  1. the ones i have found at this time are 1.tier 1 main questline-/dank /null 2.protectors of the earth-dynamite T3 3.protectors of the earth-efln(this one needs reward change due to containg eflns. i will add more as i find them hope you have a good day and thankyou for your understanding.


  2. Hi i would like request for a change in the quest lines that are unable to be completed such as the certain explosives that are uncraftable(efln and dynamite T3) or the dank null. My idea to change it from a retrieval task to a checkbox task and change rewards to keep up not being able to get eflns from being able to be obtained. This can be done within the game with typing the command /bq_admin edit, sorry if this is annoying to you and i hope a solution this can be found that will be best for all. 

    -From Premium Member


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