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  1. thank you for trying, but its not much of a problem that I need fixed anymore. I just kinda played through it.
  2. The memory cards for the p2p tunnels are not working. When I try to copy a tunnels code on the card it will say invalid machine or memory card cleared. This is problematic because I just broke the tunnel that gives me access to my inventory.
  3. Also, not entirely sure if it were those coordinates, cuz I broke the block to go back to rf storage. so the x coordinate may be off by a block or two.
  4. sure, I missed that the coordinates are x:-1245 z:-2227 y:54. I moved somethings around already so the block isn't there. Should I put it back?
  5. Your Name: SleepyHuskey12Coordinates: 16k storage disk (5), 64k storage diskTime/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (day/month/year): 10/17/19Description of Issue: I used refined storage not realizing that it is totally bugged out and move my entire inventory system to the storage disks. When I came back on they were no longer there and the external storage and importer were rotated. not all of my items were gone thankfully, because I linked it to a storage drawer. If I could get the disk drives with my items back I could remove them so I don't have this problem again. Screenshots (Optional):
  6. how do I do that?
  7. Your Name: SleepyHuskey12Item Name + Amount: 16k storage disk (5), 64k storage diskCoordinates (format x, y, z): -1243, -2227,54Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: Description of Issue: I used refiined storage not realizing that it is totally bugged out and move my entire inventory system to the storage disks. When I came back on they were no longer there and the external storage and importer were rotated. not all of my items were gone thankfully, because I linked it to a storage drawer. If I could get the disk drives with my items back I could remove them so I don't have this problem again. Screenshots (Optional):
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