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Posts posted by EinAbonnent

  1. 18 minutes ago, icefire89 said:


    I have the same problem. Ive thinked, mabe is the Problem that the server is full and just VIP can join. So i bought an VIP Pack and i always has the problem....



    Now i can join...but im death and my gravekey is not in my inventory...

    Oh oke, time to buy Premium then...

  2. Hello, it's me again. I can't connect to the server once again. I logged off normally, because I wanted to eat something, and when I came back and wanted to log on, I get internal Server Errors. I bought the unstuck package, and it didn't help. Still getting internal server errors.

  3. Hello, my name INGAME is EinAbonnent. I did /rtp and my game crashed. Whenever I try to join the server now, it says: "internal server error". Can you please just tp me out of the place I landed. I always get kicked joining.

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