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Posts posted by Thatcrazyflykindaguy

  1. Minecraft Username: Thatcrazyflyguy

    Time and Date: 1-23-22  between 2:00pm central stand time- 2:40pmish For the kill. He stream sniped several hours earlier.

    Description of what happened: Earlier in the day I was streaming discord side. I was working on my first actual base as I have been living with my clan. While I was working on the foundation Scarlxd (discord is Scar the Sniper #7733) joined. I was at my base, at clan base, and at a place in lost cities( I have journeymap so he saw the coords under the minimap). Before I invited anyone over to my base it was already known he was pretty much claim camping off peoples claims including my own (he had literally jumped Evilcashew83008 and Ch3xCH2xOH the moment they had stepped off there claim earlier). I invited Karedami and Dragonguy_ to my base to help me make a redstone door that people either using Titan rings or became a titan could use. They both tp'd to me. I tried to let'm know not go off claim and that the mountain range was the bad direction. One of them didn't quite hear it with others talking in discord. Moment Dragonguy_ barely stepped off claim he was jumped by scarlxd whose using invisible potions combined with invisible armor so we couldn't even see him. Journeymap even though i have it does not show people who are using invisibility potion.

    List of eyewitnesses Neongamerplayz (Crab of Pog#5794 ) was there for the stream sniping.

    Bonelesspizza69 (xSILENTxWOOKIEx #6969) Was on for the stream sniping. Said he muted himself and I know he joined my stream he was my 3rd viewer at the time

    Karedami was on property when Dragonguy_ died



  2. Your Name: Thatcrazyflyguy
    Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 1-15-22 10:30pm central standard time.
    Description of Issue: I'm not really sure what happened my hotbar just suddenly deleted itself while in lost cities. I bugged out when i tried to relog and had to restart the client to get back in my hotbar was still missing.
    Screenshots (Optional): 

  3. Account Name:  Thatcrazyflyguy
    Rank: Sponsor
    Requested Commands^: /craft /worldedit and /drink
    Reason for Request*:  Craft would be good for when i'm fighting in a dungeon, in the field, and for anything that doesn't go in the normal 2x2 when a crafting table isn't near.

    Worldedit i would like for flattening terrain. There is at least one mod and one player I know who uses this on my server so I can ask them to help give me pointers.

    Drink or if there is some other command for thirst I would like it please as we have a thirst and hunger bar. If one doesn't exist oh well i guess i'm going to die lol! XD

    Thank you in advance and Hope you had a Merry Christmas or whichever Holiday you celebrate(s) and a Happy New year!

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