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RandomMFNinja's Achievements

  1. In-Game Nickname: Nilochalmasar Time and date: 5pm EST Description of what happened: working on my base and randomly killed from either behind or invis. completely unprovoked. Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/a/gDyT6Ho List of eyewitnesses: just him and me
  2. unfortunately i dont remember the names of the people i trusted. i only realized it was an issue when one of the trusted randomly found my base and came right in. (i was able to untrust that person after seeing their name)
  3. Your Name: tentaclexmonster Reason for request: before i had my player data reset i tpa'd some people to my old base and trusted them so the items wouldnt go to waste. apparently they are still trusted. is there a way to get a list of who i have trusted? or if you can just reset me in that plugin that is also fine, i play solo so no one should be trusted. didnt want to ask in chat or discord as i imagine everyone would come try and get into my stuff. thank you for your help and happy holidays!
  4. not sure if its necessary to add, id like to keep my premium status if possible
  5. Your Name: tentaclexmonster Coordinates: -4311 49 -572 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Description of Issue: id like my playerdata reset so i can start fresh. id also like my claim to be deleted Screenshots (Optional):
  6. ingame name - Tentaclexmonster rank - premium i have not played for sometime and have missed the wipe. im posting this to see if im eligible to recieve the items from premium rank from the wipe. i still have the email from the purchase i believe. if you need anymore information please let me know! i should also add this was purchased in 2021, so im not sure if im far too late lol (i still have the premium tag ingame)
  7. Pretty please?
  8. I was wondering if i could get all my player data reset so i can start fresh? im also curious if it will affect my premium status? IGN-TentacleXMonster
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