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  1. Can you tell me when you are going to do the claim rollback so i can bring my good stuff on me?
  2. Cords to my base: x: -483,351 Y: 63,00000 Z: -3184,503 Time/date when evrything was fine: Kl: 4pm/15 Mars/2020
  3. Or is it possible to get just spesific items back I only want my draconic armor crafter BACK and my me drive?
  4. I wanted my old drive BACK that was all, now i have lost evrything, i rally just want it how it was, please undo claim rollback
  5. I didnt want to lose all of my stuff wtf
  6. Cords to my base: x: -483,351 Y: 63,00000 Z: -3184,503 Time/date: 2 pm at thursday 12.03.2020
  7. Cords to my base: x: -483,351 Y: 63,00000 Z: -3184,503 Time/date: 2 pm at thursday 12.03.2020
  8. My Me storage cell got deleted and i dont know how, i am really sad now ); My name in minecraft is: IHyperClient My storage cell was 16k big This is what i remember that was in the ME storage cell: 128 Aluminium ingots 226 steel ingots 68 gold ingots 300 redstone dusts 124 iron ingots 267 copper ingots 11 mansteel ingots 156 coal 6 tier 1 solar panels 5 ender pearls 122 obsidian blocks 78 tin ingots 145 lead ingots 70 silver ingots 134 nickel ingos 29 diamonds Two angels rings 1 batbox 28 transfer pipes Twilight lich trophy Twilight Naga trophy 1 Enderman head 245 purple slimeballs
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