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Out of the Water

Out of the Water (3/26)



  1. Didn't work. Is it capped out of players at 11,500? I just tried it on both accounts want me to screenshare it? I'm going to sleep for now Nah#3483
  2. What connect button? If you mean the one on the portal page yes that's the feedback for it
  3. I tried to join but it wouldn't let me and I even created a new account and it still wouldn't let me join
  4. Uhm that link is still invalid
  5. The discord link is expired. Could I get another one?
  6. Your Name: StormyWolf_Coordiantes: -1149 / 5642 / 31Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 5/5/20 10PM ESTDescription of Issue: My base was griefed again and the person who griefed me stole the items I had
  7. It didn't rollback my pedestal
  8. Your Name: StormyWolf_Coordiantes: -1142 / 5562 / 50Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 6PM EST or before I believe.Description of Issue: I made a complaint about a person the greifed my claimed base and I would like a rollback as soon as possible.
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