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Posts posted by Training_BOt

  1. In-Game Nickname: (One complaining about)


    Your username (Optional):


    Time and date:

    11/04/2020  13.30 EST(+1)

    Description of what happened: (In chronological order)

    I visited his base and for a new base he suddenly had 6 creative battery cells and creative mana pool after only 48 houres passing.

    Screenshots or Proof:


    i do have more (8 shots)

    List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below)

    non only 3 players online on the moment

  2. Thx for the reply, It is literally impossible to get the white willow sapling via breeding, i have grafted over 500 silver lime leaves polunated by silver birch leaves. And all this was in the correct biome (swamp). But the void Bothanic miner collector can get the leaves and the wood but doesn't gives saplings when grafted mined,....

    The withering bee is fine, you can get it via breeding.

    The problem with the wither bee is that unlike the draconic bee who has the same drop chance  does drop chunks in overworld the wither queen doesn't drop her skull fragments not even 1 after 29 generations and i have 6 of those hives working in overworld and nether and even in the nether its not giving it.


  3. There are 3 items unobtainable in sky adventures  i have been trying to get for days now.

    1. the wither skeleton skull fragment

    2. the white willow sapling and so the Zebra sapling is unobtainable as well because of it.

    So if it would be possible to look in to this or sell it in a trade-o-mat for a Withering bee and white willow leaves would be fair and gives players the opportunity to complete the quest book.

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