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Railar's Achievements


Newbie (1/26)



  1. ill notify you when i see you ingame
  2. In-Game Name: Railar Server AC Item name + Item ID 1 fully enchanted bow - minecraft:bow , 1 fully enchanted bow - minecraft:bow , 1 fully enchanded diamond sword - minecraft:diamond_sword , 1 fully enchanted diamond helmet (including aqua affinity/respiration III) - minecraft:diamond_helmet , 1 fully enchanted diamond boots (including feather falling/depth strider) - minecraft:diamond_boots , enchanted diamond chestplate (bought from weekly shop with 16 gold blocks , had full protection, unbreaking, mending) - minecraft:diamond_chestplate , trident - minecraft:trident , 3 greater glaskerville tokens - minecraft:rabbit_hide , 128 glaskerville tokens - minecraft:rabbit_foot , also around 400k-500k money (total lost from both days) Time & Date the first mentioned bow dissappeared on 4/8 (1 PM), the rest of the items dissappeared on 4/7 (1 PM) Description of Issue logged in like usual and noticed how all my valuable items and money dissapeared, also my stats reset, since all my lifetime, deaths, kills have also been reset, some of the dungeons also reset faster than they should've, but not all of them. After making back some of the money and acquiring another enchanted bow, the next day i lost all the progress again Evidence have not taken any screenshot of this happening
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