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Nemmie's Achievements

  1. Your Name: NemmieDragon Coordinates: X: -26886 Z: -8948 Y: 100 (6) Time/Date + Timezone (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 15:30 EST Feb, 9 2024 Description of Issue: I was testing out a reusable ender orb when I got stuck on the roof of the cave. The game froze, then told me I died in a wall. When I respawned, some of my soulbound 3 stuff was missing. Please help, as it was expensive to get.
  2. He went and bough it himself. So can I get this refunded or applied to upgrade rank?
  3. In game name: nemmiedragon Proof of Purchase: 4/23/2020 Description of Issue: I was trying to buy my friend rank but typed in the wrong name Date/Time of Purchase: 23rd April 2020 10:25 Items/Rank Bought: 1x SF Premium Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information: can I get a refund on this please Sub Total: 9.99 EUR Tax: 0.00 EUR Total: 9.99 EUR Gateway: PayPal Transaction ID: 48A84823KW345503W Username: Basemotermouth Date: 23rd April 2020 10:25
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