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Posts posted by CrownImperial

  1. Your Name: CrownImperial
    Coordinates(of grave): X: 4826 Z: -421 Y:76

    Coordinates(of my base): X:379 Z: 3083 Y:71
    Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 12:00:00PM 15/5/20
    Description of Issue: I was exploring and got killed in somebody else's base by a turret. There was a lag spike and I didn't have a chance to get away. According to the game the player hasn't played in over 2000 hours so it seems like I won't be able to talk to them to get it back. The grave is now locked under the protected area of the player who doesn't play anymore.
    Screenshots (Optional): Sorry, I don't have one


    I hope I have done this right, I just want my inventory back, no fancy high end blocks or anything.

  2. In-game Name: CrownImperial.
    Rank: Premium
    Current Server: Infinity Evolved
    New Server: Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles 
    Proof of Ownership (Optional): 

    • Transaction ID: 5UG77746KA8622835

    Have a nice day 

  3. Hi there,

    I am fairly new to the forums. On the 28th of March I bought INF Premium for the Infinity Evolved Server without making an account for the forums. The Premium rank worked fine on Infinity Evolved but now I want to try to Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles modpack.

    Is it still possible to transfer my rank to this server? I have only just make a forum account so I don't know if I can do it the usual way as the purchase doesn't seem to be associated with my forum account.

    My in game name is also CrownImperial.

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