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Everything posted by B_Herc

  1. Was up for about 30m now down again.
  2. Went from 2 players to 0 - keep re-connecting just to be booted and server appears to be restarting. On third cycle currently.
  3. Dropping below 10 - I can barely do anything - see attached for online players.
  4. No worries, good to go now.
  5. Any progress on this issue? No reply thus far.
  6. In game name: b_herc Proof of Purchase: <attached> Description of Issue: Received Items but not rank previleges (fly etc)Time/Date of Purchase (day/month/year): 9/16/2020Items/Rank Bought: Misc items and DW Premium Rank DW Premium Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information:
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