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Everything posted by ILagWithOptifine

  1. yes i do agree with this even tho its old. my base is now wiped so the server should run smoother i used to have 36 void miners thats probably why it was so laggy
  2. Your Name: ILagWithCoronaCoordinates: x 1756 z 4875Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (14/march/2020): Description of Issue: uhhh i wanna start fresh and i just wonna clean the area of my stupid stone platform and people are complaining i have that in the first placeScreenshots (Optional):
  3. Nice base i also use sphax!
  4. Your Name: ILagWithCoronaCoordinates: x: 2645 z: -1306Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (19/7/2020): 20:35 PMDescription of Issue: so basicly i destroyed lavaspices old UNCLAIMED base (i dont believe thats against the rules to break an unclaimed area!) and i would like it to be rolled back thanks Screenshots (Optional):
  5. I want a refund! I tagged the forum resolved I even dmed you that it was fixed And you rolled back the wrong part of the base you buffoon I've lost all of my stuff due to some ignorance of DMS and tags
  6. Your Name: ILagWithOptifineCoordinates: X: 1657 Z: 4923 Y: 68Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (10/7/2020): 15:00 GMTDescription of Issue: I put my drivers inside of a strongbox and put it inside my ME system it fucked up the NBT client for my driver so i now need a rollback in my chunks!Screenshots (Optional):
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