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  1. Worked. Thanks^^
  2. -- Entity being ticked -- Entity Type: biomesoplenty:bop_boat (biomesoplenty.common.entities.item.EntityBOPBoat) Entity ID: 618913 Entity Name: Boat Entity's Exact location: 3481.97, 62.52, -2797.77 Entity's Block location: World: (3481,62,-2798), Chunk: (at 9,3,2 in 217,-175; contains blocks 3472,0,-2800 to 3487,255,-2785), Region: (6,-6; contains chunks 192,-192 to 223,-161, blocks 3072,0,-3072 to 3583,255,-2561) Entity's Momentum: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Entity's Passengers: [] Entity's Vehicle: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null Hope this helps. And because no one seems to answer the tickets here imma mark some pals i know^^ @sonyx @3XJ
  3. Hey there. So, i rejoin after a long break and go on a travel to explore for a new base, when suddenly my game crashed. I may need a relocation by admin. Crash-log says it is anything with biomes´o´plenty.
  4. Seems to work with the FTB-Launcher... albeit it has bad internet connection for me.
  5. I am using Curse Forge, and they have 3.4.0 as latest version. I tried the craftersland own launcher, but then it say "disconnected" as soon as i try joining.
  6. Hey. Since a few days i can´t join. It allways say "Incompatible FML modded Server. 258 mods present". So, what to do so i can play again, bc i miss ya all^^
  7. In-Game Nickname: Psyche101 Time and date: 03. April 2021, 10PM Description of what happened: He came to my claim, wanted dirt, i refused, he refused to leave, i spawned a few mobs and he left (4 stable icecores, all terminated after he left), then he started insulting me. Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/93Wm7U9 https://imgur.com/DhrAWkV https://imgur.com/GkdijT4 List of eyewitnesses: @LLelouch_VI @NightcoreHub001
  8. And have to add more: He often spawns at my location and throws his garbage at me to fill my inventar, he then steals the stuff i am farming. I can´t play well while he is online. Could someone please talk to him? I just want him to stay away from me, totally, in any way, forever.
  9. Have to add insulting in a very hard way. He said i am not well in my head and should be treatened. I got a screenshot of it, but it is too large for upload here. I can send it via Discord or forum-conversation.
  10. In-Game Nickname: Hardin_ Time and date: 10. March, 12:50 o´clock Description of what happened: I asked if someone could sell me some iron ore. Hardin_ (muted/ignored by me due to him trolling me a lot in the past) somehow teleported to my claim and dropped lots of iron ore. He is not trusted on my claim, so he should not be able to drop stuff, and i did not teleport him to me, so how did he get there? Screenshots or Proof: Due to a server-restart there are no screenshots List of eyewitnesses: none, was just him and me there.
  11. IRL i am working as a banker. Working in a bank has opened a new world to me: The world of collectable precious metals. I am going to sale collectable coins on the server. They will be rare: 5 of each, and i will keep one of each of course. Every coin is mainly made of gold will cost 300$ on market. But hold, there is more: I will bring out ONE silver version of each collectable coin, and it will cost 500$. Other than that i sometimes sell gold and silver bars with special motives and in variable sizes. There will be 3 of each, varible prices on market^^ I hope you like the idea and i am looking forward to you showing me your collection. Maybe the best collection will win a price?
  12. Hello RevelCom, So i love this one mod, Stargate Network, and i thought "Hey, why not suggest it?". @3XJ encouraged me to do so, so here it is. But why do i suggest a mod that adds basicly another teleporter? Don´t we have enough TP-Machines allready? Well, no! Because stargates do not only teleport people, but even items. They can transfer arrows without loss of speed. They can easily connect multiple dimensions, as long as you build a stargate in it. Just choose the adress of the destination stargate and hop in. Well, after the so called "Kawoosh" is gone... the thing that comes out of a stargate if you activate it. It kills and destroys instantly. Another challenging thing: The further away a stargate is, the more energy it needs to be activated. Use your selfmade energy, or use Naquadah, the mystic rare ore that is used for building and powering stargates. Want a stargate in your secret base, but don´t want everyone to dial it and enter your base? Just build the Iris, the metal thingy that can shut the stargate. The gate can still be activated, but not entered. And everyone arriving at a shutted gate will die instantly, so pls warn people^^ So yeah, that´s why i suggest this mod. It´s cool, it´s awesome and challenging enough to not be this mainstream^^ Ah, @3XJ said i should let @brunyman take a look on my suggestion^^ Link to the mods page: https://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/minecraft/mods/SGCraft/Doc/Stargates.html
  13. Ah, btw, he has a funny little sidekick, called Willthesloth, who could use some scolding too. He is as bad as Ross. Not as bad, but could be the new Ross one day. And to make sure that this is seen: @LostItems @3XJ
  14. Rossthe69Duck is by far the most toxic person this server has ever met. He trolls, spams, is disrespectful against players and server staff, and he litteraly sh*ts on the servers rules, bowing them to his likes. His new favorite doing is killing player, stealing their stuff and only give it back if they pay him 999999$. I am not the only one who is trolled by him, but hereby i can only speak for me. I came out as gay to the server, and i met a very friendly community... if only there is no Ross. He constantly tells me to fuck my grandpa and kill myself. Tell me, Serverowner and GMs... is this okay in your eyes? Or why do you keep starring, but do not handle this guy? I got a few screens for the server staff. Wanna hear my opinion? Ban him. Without the option to buy an unban. He ruins the server gameplay, and i allready heard many people mumbling about leaving the server. Little hint: We, the players who are mocked by Ross, did pay for ranks and stuff... But Ross never buyed anything. It´s up to you which players you wanna keep. Just saying PS: Will keep this updated.
  15. Title:Trolling by FT_ToxicWolf In-Game Nickname: (One complaining about) Time and date: 17.7.2020, 12-13 PM Description of what happened: (In chronological order) 1. Gave me a golden Egg and tells me to place it, does not tell me why i should do it. As a new player to the server i thought it needed to be done for something, or he was gonna give me a present. But he just made a miniMe of my skin and captured it, then teleported away without even thanking. BUT i do not wanted this. I don´t want him to have a mini Me of myself, i never allowed it, and he just misused my trust. 2. He told the whole server that i am a crybaby and laughed at me, making fun of me, in public. 3. He comes to my base, invisible, and throws trash into my inventory, then laughs at me again when i found out that it was him. Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) Unfortunaly no proof and screens, but the logs should help. List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below)
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