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  1. Your Name: ChefAjaka Island Owner Name: ChefAjaka Coordinates: don’t know Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 12:25 GMT+3 Description of Issue: so i didn't know what i was doing, but i added way to many modifiers (0 ticks) to my android spawner on my island and now whenever i go to my island the server crashes and i’m not able to go anymore Screenshots (Optional):
  2. Hello, today is a tragic day for me i dropped my backpack in the void instead of wood. the items are : 26 Formulaic Assemblicator, 26 Crafting Formula, 10 Elite Enriching Factory, 64 Barrels (Blue ones), 1 Elite Crushing Factory, 3 Ingot Former, 1 Casting Basin, 4 Melter, and 1 Autocrafter if someone can please help me with this tragedy it would be thankful. Thank You
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