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Everything posted by Jabgamer2142

  1. its fine, i made a bunch of them anyway T/C ~Kiyanox
  2. Jabgamer2142 HV ore scanner from quest book. Diamond hammer eff 5 unbreak 3 looting 10 sharp 5 leg crate sword. tier 3 thermal expansion satchel 20 first tier tier one circuits. 16 4x energetic alloy wires 32 enderio item conduits a lot of other stuff that I can not remember based of memory. 3345 57 -4814 Murdered by sreny1 in their base and my grave did not spawn
  3. no longer needed ig T/C ~Kiyanox
  4. Your Name: Jabgamer2142 Coordinates: 3345 57 -4814 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 11 AM 9/22 MST Description of Issue: Sreny1 killed me on top of their nuclear craft reactor, grave did not spawn, the death inventory list also was not created. Screenshots (Optional):
  5. The void cake is linked to a single spawn point, so only 1 player is able to use the void world spawn, but whats funny about it, its not even a void world. Its just the overworld with a large area thats been world edited out.
  6. so you still had the shulkers, but the items inside them were just gone? no server crash or anything like that inbetween the times you check the boxes
  7. so is the problem completely fixed, and no help is needed?
  8. I fail to see your point that you are trying to make, are these suggestions that you are making for the server? Or do you need an item refunded?
  9. hmm, by kid, you mean your kid right. I'll let a manager know.
  10. Well, if you need to have something fixed you need to make a post in its respective place
  11. This is a known issue with DDSS
  12. This is an issue in all modpacks containing mekanism.
  13. You are able to play on the PO3 server if you have a cracked account.
  14. supposedly, the /enderchest command is linked to the public vanilla enderchest, I do not know if this is intended, but its like this on multiple servers.
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