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Posts posted by Spawnling

  1. Hard difficulty raid world; currently it's on normal.

    Different than default Lost Cities mod generation template.

    Bloodmoon mod setting to not wipe mobs after bloodmoon events end; it's in there.

    Tamable lycanites Cockatrice, it's bugged or disabled.

    Player sign shop plugin, and an area for it.


    how do we vote on these suggestions? post them individually? 

  2. We should create a topic for suggestions; things that we've learned through play that would be nice to change, to apply to the server upon reset if the votes go through.

    Things such as, hard difficulty raid world. Different than default lost cities generation template; they exist. setting to not wipe mobs after bloodmoon end; not sure if thats what got all of my villagers or not.

    Thoughts on making this topic would be great! I'm just one man here, with only my two cents.

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