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Everything posted by UltraTrouper
In-Game Nickname: LiLiLLLi (there user is inverse caps of that as it would be hard to tell what it is otherwise) (heres how its spelled in game if u wanna copy lIlIlllI) Time and date: 10:15-10:35 cst 1/1/24 Description of what happened: Sitting in spawn and guy came up to me and punched me several time once than a bit later did it again shook my head no at him than he continued so i hit him back Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/a/UQgW9Hj https://imgur.com/EJaI4Nk List of eyewitnesses: CotocoGrosso, Grayden05
Your Name: UltraTrouper Coordinates: (where i died) -3 1 -1 | (my base)-440 129 1444 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 5:00 pm cst 9/19 Description of Issue: i was in the end at a end structure and randomly got sent through a gate somehow at it when i was not in it and fell into the void cuz someone broke the bedrock there and my /fly got removed as well when it happened Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/xMGz09N
[Inventory Rollback Request] UltraTrouper
UltraTrouper replied to UltraTrouper's topic in Technical Support
there is one thing missing x70 demon treats, rest of it is there ty -
Your Name: UltraTrouper Coordinates: -452 118 1441 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 5:10pm cst 5/2/23 Description of Issue: was in /fly in the end sitting around for a sec and i was not tabbed into mc for ~10 seconds when i tabbed back in i was dead to the void out of /fly
I would like it for my vip to be transfer from atm 6 to rlcraft (im not sure & cat isnt eather so im posting this to both atm6 and rlcraft)
Your Name: UltraTrouper Item Name + ID + Amount: 54 Slot Variant Of T3 Rocket Base Coordinates: 4269 63 1180 Description of Issue: my t3 rocket which i had sitting on my launch pad seems to have just randomly vanished (maybe erased by mob clear?)
Your Name: UltraTrouper Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 3/9/22 Description of Issue: Astral data got reset was decently high lvl
Your Name: UltraTrouper Item Name + Amount: x25 16m M.E. Drives Coordinates (format x, y, z): -6171 166 -9426 Description of Issue: i had 10 16m drives auto crafting 2 days ago, yesterday when i got on they where just gone like full on gone not in my me not in any auto craft thing just gone, so i started another 15 16m drives yesterday and i got on today and there gone just like the other 10 into nothingness with no traces left, it used resources of mine to "make" them but the drives them selfs arnt around at all
Your Name: UltraTrouper Item Name + Amount: Anvil enchanted with smite 2178 Coordinates (format x, y, z): -6172 166 -9424 Description of Issue: The Anvi seems to have got hit with clear lag nearly instantly after it dropped as an item but before i managed to pick it up
i was told by 3xj that backpacks CANT be rolled back and list the items for a refund...
Your Name: UltraTrouper Coordinates (format x, y, z): -6170 166 -9423 Description of Issue: Since I Was Told To List The Items For The Refund & It Didn't Seem Like The Reply Was Seen Im Gonna Post It Here. Item Name + Amount: Mjollnir (Enchants- Capture 5, Scav 3, Reaper 5, Sharp 5, Hammer Mobility 5, Power 5, Loyalty 3, Flame, Life Leach) Attomic Deconstructor Lightning Dragon Steel Axe & Sword (Enchants On Both- Sharpness 5, Indestructible) Both Types Of Personal Shrinking Device x16 Mob Capture Devices Lightning Dragon Steel Pickaxe (Enchant- Silk Touch & Indestructible) Blue Quark Rune x4 Quantum Mob Catcher Infinity Building Wand Maxed Ice And Fire Bestiary Mystic Code - First Sorcery (Enchant Indestructible) Scroll Of The Mystic Eyes Of Insight Scroll Of Fallen Down Geas Scroll Eternal Steak Advanced Feeding Upgrade Stonecutter Upgrade Stack Upgrade Tier 4 Jukebox Upgrade Mystic Staff Of Spatial Disorientation Mystic Staff Of Explosive Mana Condensation (Enchant Indestructible) Mining Gadget Mk3 (Upgrades-Silk Touch, Magnet, 3x3, Freezing, Fortune T3, Range T3, Battery T3, Efficiency T5 Shears (Enchants-Indestructible, Efficiency 5, Fortune 3) Digital Miner (x8 Energy Upgrades,x8 Speed Upgrades) x5 Lasers (Mekanism) x3 Waystones
[Inventory Rollback Request] UltraTrouper
UltraTrouper replied to UltraTrouper's topic in Technical Support
Mjollnir (Enchants- Capture 5, Scav 3, Reaper 5, Sharp 5, Hammer Mobility 5, Power 5, Loyalty 3, Flame, Life Leach) Attomic Deconstructor Lightning Dragon Steel Axe & Sword (Enchants On Both- Sharpness 5, Indestructible) Both Types Of Personal Shrinking Device x16 Mob Capture Devices Lightning Dragon Steel Pickaxe (Enchant- Silk Touch & Indestructible) Blue Quark Rune x4 Quantum Mob Catcher Infinity Building Wand Maxed Ice And Fire Bestiary Mystic Code - First Sorcery (Enchant Indestructible) Scroll Of The Mystic Eyes Of Insight Scroll Of Fallen Down Geas Scroll Eternal Steak Advanced Feeding Upgrade Stonecutter Upgrade Stack Upgrade Tier 4 Jukebox Upgrade Mystic Staff Of Spatial Disorientation Mystic Staff Of Explosive Mana Condensation (Enchant Indestructible) Mining Gadget Mk3 (Upgrades-Silk Touch, Magnet, 3x3, Freezing, Fortune T3, Range T3, Battery T3, Efficiency T5 Shears (Enchants-Indestructible, Efficiency 5, Fortune 3) Digital Miner (x8 Energy Upgrades,x8 Speed Upgrades) x6 Lasers (Mekanism) -
Your Name: UltraTrouper Coordinates: -6170 166 -9427 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (day/month/year): 1:20pm CST 8/18/22 Description of Issue: My Backpack With Alot Of Valuable Things Got Wiped
Your Name: UltraTrouper Item Name + Amount: Shiba Inu Coordinates (format x, y, z): -6172 166 -9428 Description of Issue: my Shiba Inu that i had got erased after a scheduled restart didnt save it right, it saved when i had it in my quantum catcher in my inventory for a sec and not on the ground so it got deleted as my inventory was saved after i placed it down
Your Name: UltraTrouper Item Name + Amount: x17 ice & lighting & fire dragon forge bricks, x1 ice & lightning & fire core, x1 ice & lightning & fire aperture, x24 dragon bone blocks Coordinates (format x, y, z): -6171 166 -9425 Description of Issue: my 3 dragon forges seem to have been destroyed by unknown means it sorta looked like someone used a claim bypass to target them so i no longer have them
Your Name: UltraTrouper Coordiantes: -6171 81 -9426 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 5pm cst 7/8/22 Description of Issue: it seems someone used exploits to break blocks all around my base or the game bugged and coruppted parts weirdly
Your Name: UltraTrouper Item Name + Amount: Gaia Pylon x1 Coordinates (format x, y, z): -6171 166 -9426 Description of Issue: one of my gaia pylons for the gaia boss summoning alter disappeared for seemingly no reason idk when it disappeared or how it did
Your Name: UltraTrouper Coordinates: 7257 64 -3906 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 10:30 pm Cst 7/3/22 Description of Issue: my armor and totem got broken after i touched kaszan to get there attension
Your Name: UltraTrouper Coordinates: -6172 166 -9430 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (day/month/year): 28/6/22 6:30pm CST Description of Issue: Lost My Mjollnir From My Backpack (It Disappeared From It For No Reason) And It Was Unable To Be Refunded Via Refund Request So Im Asking For A Rollback
im gonna guess i had it still around 6:30 pm cst
Your Name: UltraTrouper Item Name + Amount: Mjollnir + Enchants (Hamer Mobility 5, Reaper 5,Capturing 5, Sharpness 5, Power 5, Beheading 3, Scavenger 3, Loyalty 3, Life Leach 2) Coordinates (format x, y, z): -6170, 166, -9427 Description of Issue: My Mjollir Randomly Disappeared From My Backpack Idk When Or How But It Did
Your Name: UltraTrouper Item Name + Amount: (full) Greater Band Of Mana Coordinates (format x, y, z): -6170 182 -9425 Description of Issue: i tossed my greater band of mana into my mana pool to drain out a bit of the mana inside of it to use and lag clear kicked in and removed it off the ground before i realized it, it was on the ground for less than 10 seconds