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Shulker5's Achievements

  1. Account Name: Shulker5 Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands^: Removal of delay between commands like /home /back and /invsee Reason for Request*: I sometimes tp between my homes and it's frustrating to wait 10s tp to another place. I need invsee because i sometimes tp to people and I would like to see if they haven't got gorgon heads or things like that in their inv.
  2. Your Name: Shulker5 Coordinates: -6305 66 -5900 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 10:30pm Central European Summer Time (CEST) Description of Issue: I was killed in illegal way (Gorgon head) and i lost my items Screenshots (Optional): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/790544919759552562/838157223573717024/RLCraft_2021-05-01_22-49-24_Trim_Trim.mp4
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