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Everything posted by Hegemon

  1. What do you care then Obeliske you don't play the game on CL. You do not address the ticking rate and waiting 12 hours to process something and having your neighbor just spawn it. As you point out all games are for enjoyment so what ever motivates someone to wait 12 hours to create something giving it to the next person in .12 seconds would probably annoy them. let me reverse your thinking for one second What is the point of playing GTNH with creative ??? If your honest there is none no trying to figure out how to generate power no trying to explore and find things no trying to set up efficient processes. You just spawn yourself the I won the game tag and your done. The only other valid reason is human nature. The GMC players are there to feel superior full stop and yeap the people trying to play the game properly (at least some of them) are smart enough to figure this out and yes it annoys them. It will hurt the server because the non GMC will eventually leave and the GMC will then immediately leave because they have no one being sold to them to be better than and no other reason for playing. Your argument is basically that the rules applying to you do not affect others playing the game if they are different so let me ask have you ever played a game with no rules...... or variable rules I will keep it simple for you name me one game ever that humans participate in that has no rules. Your advocating for a game of football where a touchdown is 7 points for one player and 700 for the next the only person playing will be the one with GMC and then they wont even play because they have no one to beat. If this escapes you then in my opinion your not capable of grasping the issue hear.
  2. All this post has done so far is increase the number of GMC players. Some ran out and bought it just incase later it would not be aloud on the server. All Bruny did by stating that it may be not aloud later is raise his sales. Even the way the server runs is set up to accommodate creative players the tick rate slows as it loads so right now it takes between 4 and 10 seconds for a game second to pass. As I write this I have an 11 hour wait to craft what should take about an hour. If your creative you just spawn it it no 11 hour wait. The server is tailored to make money and that is it.
  3. As far as resources. The mining world has about 20 percent of the resources needed to play the pack. As you and Bruny point out lag is more often caused by non GMC players however I would speculate that if GMC players account for 10 percent of the population they create 40 percent of the lag. So while your statement is true it is not accurate. If we then wonder about the motivation to be inaccurate where do we arrive ? You do not manage and control the GMC on the GTNH server the last time a GMC player was selling items they got warned. I suspect I will get harsher treatment for this post. You state that your always instructing players on how to make bases better yet we have bases that when the person logs in the server drops its speed by roughly 80 percent, Agreeably this is only determined by counting seconds it takes a machine to complete a process. We are not attempting to punish all or any GMC players what we are attempting to do is be able to play this one pack, you state only a minority of GMC players cause issues again I cannot know the veracity of this statement but accepting it as true then the majority of that minority must be playing GTNH. Finally I cannot help but wonder about your warning regarding how carefully people should consider there vote .... if there is a vote ... that sounds like what I would speculate people hear in I duno China maybe before an election ? I am not worried about the players bias there bias is to make the pack and server playable I am concerned about the bias of the people that use all of this for income.
  4. If we are stuck with Creative can we at least fix the rules about it. As it is now creative players cannot exchange or use creative things with none creative players. Can this be expanded and policed because its a very simple thing to creative in some infinity ingots and then build a sword the infinity sword instantly kills almost anything but since it was "made" it is not considered a spawned in item. The essence of it is that it only exists because of spawned in items, no none creative player will be able to produce this without spending about a year on infrastructure yet the none creative infinity sword would be available in a few minutes with creative. This has happened not with a sword but with items created using creative machines being offered for sale. Further creative players give non creative players access to there machine so the non creative player is made into a creative none creative, same problem they have access to power and production that takes anyone actually playing the game years to accomplish. All of this destroys the economy and the game balance and any sense of accomplishment possible through the game. It would be like installing an elevator to the summit of Mt. Everest anyone climbing it after that would only seem to be either eccentric or stupid.
  5. I agree entirely with Joko on this issue. People playing creative have "creative" available to them in single player always. The only reason I can see for playing creative with noncreative players it to lord it over them so you can be better than them. This creates a poisoned environment for the majority that is noncreative. I come to this conclusion from observing creative players and thier love of showing the things they have in general chat.
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