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    PancakeTF reacted to JokoJose in Remove GMC from ranks ~ Under Discussion   

              For the past week i have seen how people that use creative and those that doesn't have had a crash between them.  For players that don't use creative, we feel like creative is a game breaking addition and disturb the "race" to reach high tiers among ourselves. For example, If it took me 1 week to reach LV, a creative person will be ZPM in less than 1 hour. While them being in high tier does not affect the way we play, it does affect the server stability. 
    1- A creative person can spawn in any number of item without limitation, allowing that person to set up an entire solar power system in a matter of minutes. Or many, Many automated process to produce items. Those process take a toll on the server tps and because the creative person in question didn't have to gather the mats, he/she will have no problem spawning as many as he/she want. 
    2- Creative people can spawn the materials to craft a machine, while the materials are tagged as spawned, the machine they build with those spawned items are not tagged as spawned. Meaning that the person in question can craft machines to give to a non-creative player.
    3- Creative people can also spawn the most efficient way of mining ores and/or oil and once again, while the machine, if spawned, is tagged as spawned, the ores/oil it gathers is not tagged as spawned. Meaning that the creative person in question can pass the ores/oil to another person that is not creative. 
    4- Creative people can also instantly spawn rockets of any tier and fly to any planet, even when most people are still in steam age. Then they can just fly to highly demand planets and "empty" them out of resources before people can even reach them. 
    5- Creative people can also lagg the server with in many ways, from massive amount of spawned item, to constantly flying to laggy planets like ross. 
    In other words, creative ranks hurt the server more than what it helps it. So my suggestions are the next:
    1- Remove creative entirely = While i know creative might generate a good revenue for the server, it shouldn't exist in such a hardcore modpack like GTNH.
    2- Only allow structural block on creative = This will still give the creative to those that want it, but will limit them to only structural items to build a base. Like chiseled blocks, but remove access to any ore/ingot/fuel/machinery or any material that is not used to build the structural part of a base. 
    3- Creative server only = while this is more cost to owners pocket, it will create 2 separated server, 1 for creative people and one for non creative people. In that way you dont have to be monitoring who gives what to whom. It will also remove the stress cause by creative people on server with non-creative players. 
    4- Move creative rank to S+ but with structural purpose only = Creative is the strongest tool in the game, it should be the most expensive perk to buy too, but it should be limited. 
    Only those that have played GTNH will understand the issue with creative, so my last recommendation is for the owner to try the modpack and then decide for himself after he experience the modpack and the pros and cons of creative. You cannot sell a product if you don't understand it, sometimes you might lose more money when your only focus is money and not customer service. 

    I meant no disrespect to anyone, everyone is welcome to add their opinion in a respectful way, either to agree with me or disagree. Everyone deserves to be read. 

    (On a side note, P+ has a perk of retain exp when you die, but that perk is not working at all, please take a look at it, thanks)
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