Title: Complaint/Rule Violation
Offending Minecraft Usernames: Juicy1337 and Zaylic
Your Minecraft Username: Lebinator95
Time and Date: 6:30 PM EST 5/9/2021
Description of what happened: Juicy1337 and Zaylic made a series of inappropriate and homophobic comments in chat. Miss_Maudie essentially said to stop and a report will be made. They then turned their conversation and started going after her in chat and trying to say they were gay so their comments were ok. They had some normal conversation and then went back to mocking Miss_Maudie as well as other inappropriate behavior. The entirety, or at least the majority, of the conversation is in the screenshots.
Screenshots (Or anything else) of Proof: https://imgur.com/a/gXk6Nzt
List of eyewitnesses Miss_Maudie I believe there were others on as well but I can't recall who