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Posts posted by YourNanaMyMama

  1. YOUR NAME: YourNanaMymama

    item name + ammount:

    advanced solar helmet

    draconic chest plate

    thaummaturges leggings

    boots of the wyvern

    pickaxe of the wyvern (fortune 2)

    sword of the wyvern

    box of the wyvern

    moonworm queen

    256k ME storage component

    axe of healing (efficenty 5)

    Mining laser

    quartz glass x64


    coordinates:  x55  z244 y71

    description of issue: i tpa to Sneakyy0 at this town and we i arrived someone was there that we both didnt see who but they killed us asif it was a command as we both instantly died. graves gone and they vanished Tzad came afterwords 


  2. Your Name: YourNanaMyMama
    Item Name + Amount:

    moonworm queen

    Healing Axe (efficiency 5)

    Flux infused bow

    flux infused sword

    flux infused pick axe (fortune 2)

    advanced solar helmet

    reinforced jetpack

    golden bag of holding 

    - draconic chestplate

    - golden lasso x4

    - super builders wand

    - wand of the forest

    -thaumium bossed silverwood wand


    -goggles of revealing

    -cane sword








    Coordinates: x: 3292 z:1303 y: 150 
    Description of Issue: I was flattening a mountain with some people and then went afk for a min and a zombie or something killed me when I got back the grave disappeared and lost my stuff 

  3. Your Name: YourNanaMyMama
    Coordinates: x: 301, z:3254, y:62
    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): around 10:30pm (GMT) 22/3/2021
    Description of Issue: i was trapped into a hungry node and it destroyed my grave. i had some help to destroy it so nobody else would fall for the trap also.
    Screenshots (Optional): 

  4. My GamerTag is YourNanaMyMama. I have recently joined and still kinda new I also have recently purchased VIP. but today I was wondering around and came across an obsidian box as I went close it sucked me in and killed me and destroyed my grave so I lost everything I've worked for in the last week I was wondering if it could be restored I had some help from others on the server to Destroy the node thingy so nobody else would fall into it and face that problem 


    thank you, Taylor.

    - YourNanaMyMama

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