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Posts posted by SoraTheUmbreon

  1. Your Name: SoraTheUmbreon
    Coordinates: 1553 52 2294
    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 5/7/2020 @ 2AM Central Standard Time
    Description of Issue: I was stolen from while I was offline for almost a week due to moving houses. The suspects have been untrusted but thousands of IG dollars worth of items were stolen from me including fairy rings, enchanted golem armor, enchanted tide armor, exp tomes, other baubles, etc. My current suspect is Zierrania. They apparently have stolen from their clan leader before and the only other person it could've been was searched by a clan member and had nothing in their chests. P.S. I posted a question in general over a week ago about purchasing something from the website and it has still gone unanswered. If that could be answered I would feel comfortable purchasing a custom title from y'all, so please read that, too!! The link to it is HERE :)
    Screenshots (Optional): I could take some but they won't help much... A bunch of my item frames and barrels are empty but I figured sending pics of empty barrels isn't worth much since this isn't a grief report or anything like that.

  2. Hello! I have a few questions about how custom prefixes work (the ones I can buy in the shop) and one for upgrading my rank. 1. will it get rid of the annoying-ass "Nick:" before my nickname? Seriously, I get called "Nick" CONSTANTLY bc of this annoying /nick plugin (please for the love of god get a different /nick plugin but I digress...). 2. Is there any way to make it a symbol? I want to make it the symbol for female ♀ and I know the user cedarpug had a custom prefix that was a heart but when I go to buy it it says letters and numbers only so that's why I am asking. 3. I am wondering, if I buy premium + is there any way I can get an admin to remove my perms for creative? creative ruins the fun for me in EVERY WAY and I hate that it is so cheap in this server, but I want the other perks and commands that come with upgrading as well as to support the server with a rank upgrade. I'm not going to upgrade my rank if I can't have the creative perm removed, though. Thanks in advance.


  3. Your Name: SoraTheUmbreon
    Coordinates: Raid World -1800 4000
    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 4/9/2021 4:25PM CENTRAL STANDARD TIME
    Description of Issue: We got mad fucked up by an amalgalich boss and our curse of possessions got messed up by clearlag and items burnt u-u (with turtleboi182 and cedarpug). Thanks in advance. Too many enchants and items with curse and stuff to list for a refund and I figured it's easier on the mods.
    Screenshots (Optional): None lest you want an empty inv pic ;)

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