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Newbie (1/26)



  1. I can get on! Thank you so much!
  2. Still can't get on, not sure why This is about the best way I can find to fix the block, not sure if it helps https://serverminer.com/article/how-to-fix-a-ticking-block-entity-on-a-forge-server/ crash-2021-09-20_12.18.17-client.txt
  3. trying now Didn't work (17:40 UTC) Crash report says 1937, 71 ,-3464
  4. trying now Didn't work (17:40 UTC)
  5. Server: Roguelike Adventure Your Name: Firehandler7937 Coordiantes: -1947, 74, -3464 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):(5/9/2021) 2:45 UTC Description of Issue: Apparently, there is a "Ticking Block Entity" at the coords listed, which is at my base. I can't go near my base now without my entire game crashing, so I need it rolled back to said time crash-2021-09-20_10.59.42-client.txt
  6. Taken care of
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