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Everything posted by Aurinko33

  1. Account Name: Aurinko33 Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands^: worldedit Reason for Request*: I need world edit for building. I had perm last wipe and i am using it carefully.
  2. Account Name: Aurinko33 Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands^: worldedit Reason for Request*: I need world edit for building. I had perm last wipe and it made building pretty easy.
  3. Account Name: Aurinko33 Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands^: /day , /night, worldedit, /enchant, /speed and removal of delay between commands like /home /back Reason for Request*: I need day/night because sometimes when its night i just see pink fog and sometimes spawners that are outside needs it to be night to spawn mobs.World edit is for building. Enchant command is to be able to enchant items easily.Speed to go fast. The reason for removing the delay between commands is to not wait.
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