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Name_Rory's Achievements

  1. Name_Rory All of these quest-completion requests are in the Adept Thaumaturgy page. Division Sigil Stable- 1105 I had completed the ritual in the end and started "The Siege" but no mobs were spawning and I needed to kill 100 of them. I tried using cursed earth ( I didn't leave the end, Bestburger tp'd to give me the cursed earth) to get mobs to spawn but that made it super difficult to actually fight the mobs and it didn't seem to register when I had killed my 100th mob. I don't think the cursed earth mobs counted. Magic Staffter- 1191 and A Wizards Staff has a Knob on the End- 887 These quests seemed to conflict with one another. I followed the recipe to make an iron capped greatwood staffter but it ended up making the staff required for "A Wizards Staff has a Knob on the End" quest. This staff, however, did not register as completed for that quest even though it is exactly what the quest requests. I can't seem to find a way to complete these quests. I had the same problem with the quest "Scepter with 75 vis capacity". An appropriate weapon-289 Firestone is a banned item so making the focus on my own is impossible. I would like to have the focus, but I would like to continue the quest line even more.
  2. Username: Name-Rory Rank: VIP Reason: I don't need access to a command, I just need someone to clear my warp with a command. I cannot live for more than a second outside of spawn because of all the consistent lightning strikes, which means I have no hope of clearing my warp on my own. I heard that going AFK for awhile and not doing any thaumcraft will make the effects go away until you trigger some warp again, but its been over two days and nothing has changed. I have to imagine this is a bug in warp theory because an effect like this makes the game unplayable. I included an image to show how much lightning strikes in just one frame.
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