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JackyII's Achievements

  1. Haven't played on my ST3 account in forever. Had a friend recently want to get back into playing so I logged in, all my stuff is still there, but the server is dead dead. The spawn items don't display what they are anymore, server is running 1.9, the discord links on the server AND even on the website here are out of date and don't work. Are these being maintained?
  2. I have gone through a few days of getting the chunk load ward staff thing all set up. I went to craft it and the item apparently can't be crafted at all. I was told I could buy a bundle of them but can't find the link specifically for that anymore. I was wondering if we could be issues like 3 to 5 at spawn or purchase them at the spawn shop with server cash or a single purchase have option.
  3. server has been apparently boot looping since last night. issue was reported on discord but no updates at this time. Can someone take a look at this?
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