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Everything posted by Toxic_Flo

  1. what about the impossibly hard wheat sticks that are only in a jungle temple where you have to be lucky to even find one and i have searched every single one on the map to find empty chests
  2. what about quests that are only completeable in the first two weeks of the server being new and after that just not completeable anymore?
  3. i would suggest a wipe for mc eternal because of numerous uncompleteable quests and i would suggest the addition of the Lootr mod because for some quests one needs to search for specific bioms to find the item needed for the quest and players who join later when some other players have progressed far in the modpack it makes it impossible for them to find those quest items and the removal of non completeable quests would make it easier to finish quest
  4. 1. Blazing Juggernaughts wont spawn in the nether even with cursed earth 2. 3 Quests in the Introduction to Sience cant be completed because the items are "grief" items 3. 2 quests in the chellenge tab cant be completed because one needs 10 nuclear tnt and the other one needs 1 nuclear tnt to make a red matter tnt
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