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Everything posted by RxdicalShrooms

  1. R.A.D. is extremely unstable its normal for the server to be so trash
  2. golden eggs spawn and mini me of yourself and do no block damage lmfao
  3. Your Name: Rxdicalshrooms Claim Leaders Name: Rxdicalshrooms Coordinates of claim (use format xyz: 1845 64 2374) : X 631 Y 69 Z -4377 Claim members: Rxdicalshrooms/BlakkPhilip Reason for request: Something has happened to every member on the server, we have had our server files wiped, the claim stays and even though it say's its me it won't allow me to do anything inside of it. This has happened on a mass scale throughout the entire R.A.D. server. Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommende
  4. It happened again to me when I went into wide desert mirage, my buddy can't spawn in until the cockatrice in his base gets removed. So i understand your trouble
  5. Hello, 24hrs ago I crashed due to Ice & Fire, it happened while in a pyramid dungeon and it failed to allow me to get the text. So I purchased an unstuck, went home said okay I'll go swim in the ocean, crashed again due to the same reason. Can't use unstuck again due to store policy, so here I am now. Waited 12hrs, un-stuck myself one last time. My buddy places the cockatrice I captured, crashes him, so I went to try to snipe it with a bow, crashed me as soon as I entered the chunk. Now were both crashed by a different Ice & Fire mob. I think there is a problem since we aren't the first and it happened to me in 3 different locations. You can check the shop purchases for my 2 un-stuck purchases, it failed 3 times to give me the link so I tried my best to explain how it has happened.
  6. Me and my friend are also getting this, the first time I crashed was 24Hrs ago, when i was in a Pyramid dungeon, so i unstucked. Then I swam in the ocean and got kicked for the same reason as before and as of this post. So waited 12hrs to do the unstuck again due to the store policy and my friend placed a cockatrice that i captured and it has now crashed both of us. So i don't think this is a client side thing, If it's happened to me 3 times, in 3 different locations.
  7. Last night yeah it was and currently it's went down another 3 times in under 30 mins
  8. Hello, I've been on this server for over a month now and since I have joined it's gotten progressively more laggy and had more restarts than any server I've played on in my 11 years of this game. Can you please tell me why someday its every 20-40 mins we get a restart and somedays the server runs smooth. It shouldn't be so wish washy Update: Server has dropped to a fallback three times now, the first one bounced everyone back a whole 10 mins. Second one was fine for a bit but now it down again.
  9. Hello, I was playing today and just made my monster masher. It was working for about 30 mins or so I say, then stopped working. So I went up to investigate and all of my spawners were gone. I have the place block claimed so no one can do anything and I was on the entire time while it took place. If you can come onto the R.A.D. server and tell me what has went down. That would be great, my ign: RxdicalShrooms. Thank you once again!
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