Hi there! As people buy creative, I have noticed that they do not seem to look at forum rules for restrictions. I also realize that the forum rules are rather lacking in terms of creative usage. I see rules against gifting creative items and selling creative items. Keep in mind, some of these may seem like common sense; however, I have seem people use them in these ways which is why I bring these topics up. If staff do consider adding these rules, it would be most helpful to add them to /rules in game rather than on a forums post that players go out of their way to look at. Now I've had a conversation with ASOOD about this before and he said that players would not buy something without looking at the rules of what they're buying. I would have to sadly disagree and say that many players realize premium+ gives creative and therefore buy and use it without any regard for rules against it. I do not see any rules upon when a player is allowed to use creative(ex: only in personal claims, outside of claims, etc.). I do not see any rules upon usage of creative items(ex: only in personal claims, outside of claims, etc.). Furthermore, I have not seen rules that prohibit players from using creative items against other players in pvp. I do not see rules against the usage of creative OR fly in pvp. Although I believe this is common sense, I have had the misfortune of fighting a player who used both fly and creative against me before. I also do not see rules or warnings about usage of invsee while in creative. I have had the misfortune of being tagged by creative people twice before. These are the topics I can think of regarding creative and I would really appreciate it if staff took action to add these rules/specify these rules in /rules in game rather than just a forums post.