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  1. I don't know when, I had a bit of a break from Minecraft
  2. My AE2 disks disappeared after updating the modpack!!!
  3. MrSalixx


    can the administration kindly teleport me to spawn ? !!! Something crash my game in my current location Nick: MrSalixx EDIT: (05.12.2021) Administration runs at the speed of light on this server !!! (still waiting for reactions)
  4. I have a problem, when I'm on the server I keep losing hearts (something hurts me) for no reason !!! Nick: MrSalixx
  5. I can't destroy anything in my world (RFtools) !!!!
  6. I use random teleport command and landed on weird biome and my game always crash when login (crash reason: Biomes O' Plenty) Please teleport me on spawn My nick: MrSalixx
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