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  1. so i was traveling in the nether and i didnt realize but at some point i dropped my sword, i dont think this was a glitch but i grinded for the sword for ages and i really am upset about it supremium sword with sharp 15, capturing 5 leach 15 looting 10 fire aspect 3 and lots more enchants i really do not wanna have to make a new sword and spend like a month grinding for a new one so i would like for an inventory rollback for like october 1st at like 2:30 if possible i would really appreciate the rollback
  2. i keep getting kicked from server repeatedly no clue why, no admins are online, someone help me
  3. its in the title
  4. my inventory was gone when i relogged in to the sky factory 4 server , but i was still able to fly despite my armor being gone
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